TDC control system introduced in the field bus communication mode settings and applications, ABB inverter control word and status word, as well as the communication protocol. 主要介绍TDC控制系统在现场总线通讯模式下的设置及应用,ABB变频器的控制字和状态字,以及通讯协议。
The reason is that such prevention mode cannot fundamentally achieve the valid power control, but the essence of job-related crimes is alienation and abusiveness of power. In another word, effective restriction of power will lead effiency of preventing such crimes. 究其原因,是现有的预防职务犯罪模式没有从根本上实现对权力的有效管控,而职务犯罪的本质正是权力的异化与失范&如果能够有效制约权力也就有效预防了职务犯罪。